Nacho Seimanas

Fotógrafo, cineasta, artista visual e ingeniero electrónico.

Photographer, filmmaker, visual artist and electronic engineer.

Nací en Montevideo, Uruguay en 1960.

Mis padres hacía relativamente poco habían «bajado del barco» como muchos de los uruguayos.

Desde chico me interesó la fotografía y el cine.

Ya de adolescente me tuve que subir a un avión y volví bastante grande.

Estudié ingeniería y me forme trabajando y experimentando en las artes de la imagen.

Siempre ando con la cámara arriba.

I was born in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1960.

My parents had relatively recently “just gotten off the boat” like many Uruguayans.

Since I was a child I was interested in photography and cinema.

As a teenager I had to get on a plane and came back as an adult.

I studied engineering and trained by working and experimenting in the image arts.

I always carry the camera with me.